Přednášky Loone Ots
Estonská folkloristka a spisovatelka Loone Ots má pro nás pět přednášek.
Ve dnech 19. -24. března 2019 nás navštíví estonský básník a literární vědec Jüri Talvet!
Srdečně vás zveme na následující přednášky a doprovodné akce (program bude v angličtině):
20,03 at 12,00 in B2.52
"The extraordinary phenomenon of Juhan Liiv in Estonian poetry"
The lecture is about Estonian writer Juhan Liiv as an extraordinary
phenomenon in Estonian poetry. In his lifetime almost unknown, after his
death he became one of the main authors of Estonian national poetry
canon. Long time it was thought that it´s not possible to translate his
poetry into other languages. Now in 21. century his poetry is being
translated into English, Spanish, Italian and German language and
21,03 at 18,00 (čítárna, building D)
"Estonian poetry with Jüri Talvet, debate and reading"
The evening with Jüri Talvet will introduce his activity as a poet and an
academic, professor of (comparative) world literature. Some poems will be
presented in Estonian original and translations (into Czech, English,
Slovak or also other languages). There will be Estonian refreshments for
22,03 at 10,00 in D 41
"Smaller National Cultures and World Literature":
All smaller nationalities of the world (including Estonians and Czechs)
seek some visibility for their literature in the canon of world
literature. The lecture is about the problems and difficulties that
smaller cultures (outside Western "centric" cultures) inevitably face. At
the same time the recent effort of the literature scholars of Tartu
University is explained: to prepare a new overview book of World
Literature (in Estonian) and a new virtual (online) dictionary of Estonian
writers (in English).
Těšíme se na vás!